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The research process is usually prompted by a set of inquiries that define a certain field and observation dimensions, often associated with previously postulated hypothesis about the reality under study.Nevertheless, during the empirical work, researchers frequently come across surprising and unexpected data, in other words, facts that were not sought initially. In Sociology, Robert K. Merton (1968: 151) called these “surprises” serendipity: “(…) the discovery, by chance or sagacity, of valid results which were not sought for”. The author reports, particularly, to the observation of data:

  • Unforeseen: in the sense that themes may emerge that weren’t initially anticipated to be observed and/or worked on. 

  • Anomalous: by contrasting with the knowledge already produced about the problematic.  

  • Strategic: because it has implications on the amplification of the theory and on the development of new approaches.

Recognising the importance of serendipity on sociological investigation allows the research process to become more open and dynamic, encouraging dialogue and the permanent exchange of starting theories, empirical data and the development of new theories.

Thee in-depth analysing the crossing of events of members of the same family, namely the four types of impact (longitudinal, bi-linked, extra-linked, intra-linked) implies having the capacity to recognise emergent themes, making sense of data that seems incongruent and being theoretically sensible to the amplification of concepts in the “discovery of the universal in the particular” (Merton, 1968: 160). 

In our project, as in many other, the pandemic prompted unexpected but also profound and lasting effects in the relationships between the members of the families with whom we developed research. The space for serendipity was open and as such a new avenue of the project was designed during the pandemic, and still ongoing.  


Merton, Robert K. (1968), Social Theory and Social Structure. New York: The Free Press. 

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